Pivnica Čajkov - víno Čajkov

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Víno spod vulkánu Sitno


  • Red |
  • Variety: Frankovka |
  • Last Released Vintage: 2019 |
  • Also available in magnums

Frankovka is the most characteristic red variety of the old Habsburg monarchy, its Empress. I see it as the truly noble grape, capable of incredible purity, genuinity and terroir expression. The best wines provide an almost transcendental, magical experience – like watching an exciting opera that leaves you speechless and overwhelmed with all the emotion, grandeur and mastery, grateful for being part of it…

My version of this “Pinot Noir of the East” enjoys enhanced spiciness of our volcanic Sitno terroir, elegance from the classical winemaking and 3 years of slow barrel ageing in our 18th century cellar. She's a sophisticated aristocrat with an incredible ageing potential, esp. in the magnum bottles.

After a decade in our old cellar, we also released Empress 2013. This wine carries a deeply personal value for me as a winemaker, as one of the very first serious Frankovkas I made. It has opened a whole new world and became an important beginning of the path of our now signature Empress. One rare barrel that kept me company for 10 years in the cellar – it's almost sad to see him go, but wonderful to share this rare & elegant red with you now.

Vineyards, Winemaking & Co:

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