Pivnica Čajkov - víno Čajkov

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Víno spod vulkánu Sitno


  • Skin-contact white |
  • Variety: Pesecká Leánka |
  • Last Released Vintage: 2022

The Wine of our grandparents, made in the old school ways of Čajkov as a tribute to the hard work, love and values of my ancestors. A slightly more serious style of Pesecká Leánka with longer skin contact and barrel ageing (compared to our Princess), but still just as perfect and refreshing on a hot summer day.

The winemaking here marks my humble return to what I learned from my elders while young – by trial and error, they had perfected their understanding of Leánka over years and found the ideal method to let both the variety and the site speak fully. After several experiments on my own, I accepted that parents are often right and one doesn't need to invent the wheel, and happily went back to this time-proven, rustical way.

Vineyards, Winemaking & Co:

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